Echoes of Excellence: explore, engage, enjoy

“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison


Of all things in this journey called success, probably very little is as demanding as getting oneself recognized in business. It requires burning the midnight oil and inspiring vision to be able to stand out. On the 25th of Magh, 2081, Team Explore Idea triumphantly conducted a multifarious event entitled, “Echoes of Excellence: Explore, Engage, Enjoy,” with an aim to empower young business enthusiasts. This was a specially-curated event that would provide a platform to possible young entrepreneurs and their business aficionados, all through three thrilling phases- that of an idea pitching contest, a thought-provoking panel discussion, and an electrifying musical performance.

Explore- A Deep Dive Into Nepal’s Business Culture

The heart of the event was a panel discussion highlighting how the business culture is evolving in Nepal. Furthering the prestige of the event was the presence of our honored chief guest, Hon. Indira Ranamagar, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nepal. The panel included eminent business personalities such as Mr. Chandra Dhakal, Mr. Shiva Prasad Ghimire, and Mr. Ravi K.C. They shared invaluable insights, experiences, and the courage to explore the unlimited possibilities that exist for business within Nepal’s ecosystem.

Engage- Empowering Future Entrepreneurs

The particular phase displayed the innovative spirit of young minds in the inter-college idea pitching contest, where aspiring entrepreneurs from various colleges came together regarding their impactful business ideas to make Nepal a more sustainable country. The pitches were then graded by a panel of judges based on creativity, feasibility, and social impact. This phase offered a chance for students to showcase their potential to solve problems while demonstrating collaboration.

Enjoy- An Evening of Music and Celebration

As day turned to night, such became the word “Enjoy,” through a fantastic musical show by the popular bolstered by his fabulous band, in Mr. Kali Prasad Baskota. As the audience sang his famous hits, the energy of the audience indexed higher in creating a grand setting of happiness and camaraderie. The music was indeed the icing on the cake of a day filled with learning, engaging, and connecting.

In conclusion, this event “Echoes of Excellence: Explore, Engage, Enjoy” has been felt and experienced. It has proved successful in resonating scholarship with fun into the next generation’s leaders. Persistence and depth of gratitude goes out to all our esteemed panelists, eager participants, determined teachers, volunteers, and the entire Global College of Management for the magnanimous contribution that made this event a grand success. 

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